Thursday, 16 August 2012

Windsor's shining moment in Question Time


There's been a lot of discussion today about history. Two years ago, it's been discussed here today, that the Prime Minister made a certain comment in the run up to an election.

As most of us would be aware, the Prime Minister didn't win the election, she didn't win the election. This is a hung parliament.

[Windsor adds in an aside in direction of LNP front bench--]You might learn something from a little bit of history here. You might be a little bit interested.

As the Leader of the Opposition would know very well, as the Prime Minister would know very well, and the Deputy Prime Minister for that matter would know: The decision to do something about climate change, whether it be through an Emission Trading Scheme or a carbon pricing arrangement, but to put a price on carbon, was a condition of the formation of government.

The Leader of the Opposition knows that very well, because on a number of occasions he actually begged for the job. Begged for the job.

You've never denied it Tony! You've never denied it and you won't!

He begged for the job, and he made the point, not only to me but to others in that negotiating period, that he would do anything to get that job.

[Shot of Abbott. Much yelling]

You would well remember, and your colleagues should be aware, that the only codicil you put on that, was that: 'I will do anything Tony to get this job, the only thing I wouldn't do is sell my arse.'

[Yells. Guffaws. PYNE with a point of order... Asks Windsor talk to the SSO]


The Leader of the Opposition is well aware of the discussions that were held. It was a condition of the formation of government. He was prepared to do anything if in fact he'd been called upon, and if he had been asked to put in place an Emission Trading Scheme or a carbon tax for that matter, he would well have done it.

The fact that he wasn't asked is something of very, very good judgement in my view.

In terms of the substantive issue, I support the SSO because I think it's a debate that we should be very proud of. I'm very proud to have supported

[Interjections. Member for Dickson, Peter Dutton, evicted]

I'm very proud to have supported doing something about climate change. And I think history will judge those who have had the guts to stand up and actually try and address what is a difficult issue, in a difficult parliament, that this man,  the Leader of the Opposition, was quite prepared to do that if he'd been given the nod on that particular day. 'I will do anything, anything to get this job.' They were the comments and people know that and they should know it because you are an absolute disgrace in the way in which you're wandering around on this particular issue.

You have exactly the same target as the Emission Trading Scheme pricing arrangements. You have exactly the same target in terms of the 1990 levels by 2020. And you have the audacity to actually say to people that you're going to achieve that target through a much more expensive arrangement than putting a price on carbon. Particularly given the history of that you've had in terms of this particular issue.

John Howard was someone that I had disagreements with, from time to time, but at least he recognised that we have to do something in term of emissions in this world.

The opportunities that exist in regional Australia, in terms of pricing arrangements and the clean energy funds, etc. I would ask that the Leader of the Opposition and other members within the chamber, just look at the meat industry in the next few months. Just look at the way in which they are going to address some of these issues. And it's all very well… Come back in a few months and tell me if I'm wrong; I don't mind that. There are enormous opportunities, enormous opportunities, in terms of renewable energy…

[Speaker announces his time has expired]

[Windsor sits, grins at Abbott, points to phone. *gotcha*]

(pic1 via AAP photog. Alan Porritt) 
(pic3 via @OzEquitist)