You may recall an earlier pictorial meme. Well I think it's time for another. Don't you?
[if you answered 'yes', please keep reading. if you answered 'no', you can bugger off then; see if I care. hmph.]
It goes a little like this.
- Type your answer to each of the questions below into Flickr Search.
- Using only the first page of results, pick one image.
- Copy and paste each of the URLs for the images into Big Huge Lab’s Mosaic Maker to create a mosaic of the picture answers.
It be a 3x3 mosaic.
The queries to respond to in such a pictorial manner are:
- Something that represents beauty for you.
- A love.
- An addiction.
- A favourite album or style of music.
- A place you spent your childhood.
- An enjoyable pastime.
- Your favourite season.
- A favourite animal.
- Somewhere on the planet you'd like to live or visit.
Mine looks like this (click on it for a bigger looksee).

1. Pure serenity., 2. Profundity. Mission365; Number One Hundred One., 3. Red Hot Poker, 4. "Being a Duchess is so tiring.... Zzzz" Duchie Day #12 - A Wallpaper, 5. Trigg Beach, 6. Mount-to-be-read, 7. Reaching out to touch Autumn's Gold, 8. Snow leopard in the snow, 9. Scenery, Ponza island
You can see my answers in the links, but I will explain 'Duchess' for the music question. At the moment my favourite album is the soundtrack to The Duchess. Quite unusual for me to indulge in classical music, but I find it quite emotive; very moving. (You can listen to it at that link too.)
I'll now tag the projectivist, kath, and the man. Create away!!!